About the team
Behind thepulsecure.com is an enthusiastic group consisting of Torkil Færø, Tone Elin Solholm and Arild Bekkelund.
With very different skills, we form a solid team. Get to know us here.
Torkil Færø
Torkil is the driving force behind the book The Pulse Cure and the social website thepulsecure.com.
He is a general practitioner and emergency doctor, documentary filmmaker, author, photographer and globetrotter. As a medical student, he was the first to go abroad for Norwegian Doctors Without Borders when he worked in war-torn Angola in 1996. Through 25 years as a freelance doctor, he has worked in municipalities all over the country, had tens of thousands of consultations and gained a unique picture of the diseases that plague us. He has learned that the cause is most often found in a lifestyle that stresses our body. He wanted to do something about that.
Torkil is concerned with how we can get the most out of life. In the book The Pulse Cure, he explains step by step how we can use the heart rate monitor or the smartphone to get to know our own body better and gain better control of the stress balance and the autonomic nervous system.
Torkil himself has been given a new life by making several smart lifestyle changes. His hope is that everyone who wants better health and more energy to live life to the fullest will benefit from the measures he himself enjoys so much. He also has a big wish for the healthcare system: That it works preventively to a much greater extent and provides help for self-help than is the case today.
Torkil Færø is also an award-winning photographer who has published photography art books, held exhibitions and held photography workshops in many countries. He is an enthusiastic long-distance walker, and has made the NRK films about pilgrimages to Nidaros and Santiago de Compostela. In his previous book, THE CAMERA CURE , he combined medical and photographic knowledge into a unique book about therapeutic photography, where coping with life is combined with taking good pictures. Faroe has traveled with backpack, bicycle, motorbike, kayak, boat and car in over 80 countries and speaks eight languages. Torkil is married to Tone, who is also part of the team at Pulskuren.
Photo: CF Wesenberg / kolonihaven.no
Tone Solholm
Tone is the website’s designer, content producer and the team’s anchorwoman. She is behind the visual identity and is concerned that you should feel at home here at thepulsecure.com. Tone is a trained graphic designer and has several decades of experience from private and public, small and large clients.
About The Pulse Cures logo, she says that “the users of thepulsecure.com should be greeted with a hearty smile, which also alludes to restitution. We build on increased enjoyment of life and healthy development, both physically and mentally. Pulskuren.no is a social and educational website for all of us everyday people who want to learn how to balance our stress level, so that we live better.”
Tone is a student at the Center for Life Support with doctor Audun Myskja, where she studies Unit Therapy Coping Medicine. In this connection, she has also completed specialization in the use of sound, voice and singing bowl in a therapeutic context.
In addition, Tone is an art photographer. She is purchased for public decoration and has held a number of photographic workshops at home and abroad. She has published several books with her art photography, as well as textbooks in photography.
Through the Project Help service, she works to help other artists realize their projects.
Photo: CF Wesenberg / kolonihaven.no
Arild Bekkelund
G’day mate! Arild is Pulskuren’s technical manager, developer and support general. He has a long and versatile career in marketing, project management, web design and development.
We would like to have a look inside Arild’s head and find out how it is possible to be as technically minded as he is. Arild is professional, practical and always service oriented. He takes pride in solving unforeseen challenges, which seemingly never stop arising. Good on ya!
Should you experience problems on the website and cannot find an answer to them under HELP & SUPPORT in the menu on the left, Arild will often be the one who can help you. Just fill out the contact form there and submit and we’ll find out. No worries!
Arild lives and works in Australia, and is thus absurdly far away from being our closest employee. When he is not being pinned to the chair by his 9.5 kg pet-demanding cat, Arild, to our great delight, is constantly expanding his technical talent – and fills his spare time with golf and music, as well as the occasional barbie (Aussie slang for barbeque ).
You can follow Arild on his journey towards a healthier life in the series Arild’s health journey , which you can find under HEALTH TRAVELS in the menu. Watch, learn and be inspired to start your own. Cheers!