When you monitor heart rate variability:
– You learn about sleep and how the quality of it can be improved.
– You learn about stress and how you can find a sustainable, productive level of it.
– You find a level of movement and exercise that suits you that promotes good health.
– You explore different ways of resting and establishing calm within.
– You learn how food impacts your physiology.
– You discover why alcohol can be considered ‘liquid stress’.
– You experience how illnesses and diseases can be detected in your heart rate variability.
– You learn about the significance of being overweight.
– You find out about how smoking and the use of tobacco products affects the nervous system.

In this episode, Dr. Armstrong and Corbin Bruton interview the author of The Pulse Cure, Dr. Torkil Færø. We learn what HRV is, how and why to monitor it, and the steps needed to balance  stress and… age well.

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